An Approach to Urban Regeneration from User’s Perspective: Çukurambar / Kızılırmak Neighborhood in Ankara / Turkey
Urban regeneration, Gentrification, Users’ perspective, Çukurambar and Kızılırmak NeighborhoodsAbstract
In recent few decades, urban areas have been changing and regeneration projects have been implemented to provide new healthier and more profitable living environment. It is obvious that a social, namely users’, aspect also exists in the process of regeneration. This research will reveal an investigation to generate the analysis of urban regeneration from user’s perspective. In urban regeneration process, there are certain actors such as old residents (initial property owners), developers, real estate agencies and new residents (latter residents moved to area after regeneration). Çukurambar-Kızılırmak Neighborhoods, as the case study area, were gecekondu (squatter settlement) area in 1960s. After urban development in Ankara towards western and southwestern directions, Çukurambar-Kızılırmak Neighborhoods have become an attractive urban regeneration zone in terms of land values. Therefore, in consequence of urban regeneration, almost all the area has been transformed to high-rise luxury apartment blocks and residence towers.
In this research, social aspect of regeneration process will be examined by the analysis of user’s perspective. Apart from physical consequences of gecekondu regeneration by reference to architectural styles and density, a winner-loser analysis will be generated considering the actors in urban regeneration process as a social aspect. In research process, participant observation (author as also a resident in Çukurambar urban regeneration area), in-depth interviews and analysis of written and visual documents will be used as methodology tools. In the end, winners and losers of urban regeneration will be critically discussed by revealing implications on the basis of user’s opinions and desires on urban regeneration process.
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