The Image of a City in the Human Memory: Mersin Sample


  • Fulya Pelin Cengizoğlu
  • Elvan Elif Özdemir


City Image, Collective Memory, Spatial Transformation, Mersin, Spatial Representation


This study explores the spatial transformations of Mersin city and its representations under the theoretical framework of collective memory. Within this scope we asked some questions to the people living in the city. By determining city images and places in these people’s memories, it has been determined what is the urban images that exist in the memory of people living in this city and which have changed over the years. From the results, it is seen that the memory of people of different age groups has both different and common sign items about the city. With this work, it has revealed the urban imagery and collective memory which define the city of Mersin and changing over time in connection with the growing city.


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How to Cite

Cengizoğlu, F. P., & Özdemir, E. E. (2017). The Image of a City in the Human Memory: Mersin Sample. ICONARCH International Congress of Architecture and Planning, (1), 415–421. Retrieved from