Sustainability Assessment of Nanotechnological Building Materials
Sustainable Building, Nanotechnological Materials, Environ- mental Assessment, Resource EfficiencyAbstract
Increase of natural resource consumption and environmental pollution due to population growth and industrial expansion causes considerable damage to the ecosystem. With the ecological crisis experienced in the 1970s, alternative ecological discourses have been expressed, measures have been taken to reduce the use of resources, and new technologies have been developed accordingly. Research has revealed that most of the natural resources are consumed in the construction sector. Therefore, sustainable technologies have started to be used and gain importance in this sector.
The term ‘Nanotechnology’ means the engineering of matter at the atomic molecular level and reveals its new properties. Research on nanotech- nology has increased worldwide. However, the most important paradox encountered in the developmental stages of this technology is whether nanotechnological materials (nanomaterials) are harmful to nature during production, use and post-use stages.
In this study, it was aimed to
contribute to improving the environmental aspects of nanomaterials with the findings of this study
guide architects and other decision-makers in selecting nanomaterials considering sustainability
In this context, an assessment was made to determine the environmental advantages and disadvantages of nanomaterials used in the construction sector. In line with these purposes, nanomaterials were classified, and the types of these materials used in the building sector were investigated based on literature in the first part of the study. The environmental impacts of nanomaterials were evaluated in the context of energy, raw material, and water efficiency through the literature in the second part. The environmental advantages and disadvantages of nanomaterials used in the building sector were determined.
As a result of the study; reducing the consumption level of raw materials, production of durable materials, increasing energy efficiency and consequently reducing CO2 emissions, low pollutant emitting materials, the feasibility of reuse of wastes are the environmental advantages of these materials, while the increasing environmental toxicity (air, water, soil and sediment) are the disadvantages of these materials, although scientific uncertainties still exist.
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