Assessing the Accuracy of National Calculation Methodology of Turkiye (Bep-Tr) by Using Bestest
Regulations, BESTEST, BEP-trAbstract
Energy performance in buildings issue has become one of the most important subject matters in Turkiye, especially regarding the procedure of accreditation within European Union. There are many studies conducted in the context varying from developing standards and regulations to inventory of buildings in the frame of energy performance parameters.
In this paper, it is aimed to evaluate building energy performance regulation that became mandatory since 2010 and its calculation methodology called BEP-tr. There are several problems announced by the users of BEP-tr many of whom are mechanical engineers. Based on the critics related with national calculation methodology, it is necessary to reveal the capacity of the software by testing accuracy. The content of the paper includes a deep review of Turkish Building Energy Performance Regulation and its calculation methodology regarding the importance of regulations as a big step forward to high performance buildings. The evaluation of national calculation methodology (BEP-tr) has been performed in order to reveal substantial problems. An internationally recognised validation and diagnostic procedure, BESTEST was applied to test the accuracy of calculation methodology. The first part of the paper is dedicated to a discussion related with the current status of the regulation. Then, the results of BESTEST cases were interpreted in order to find out whether the national calculation methodology is inside the confidence interval. The results highlighted the basic errors of calculation methodology and project a vision for further improvements of the software.
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