Transformation of Landscape in The Historical Process


  • Şeyma Sariarmağan
  • Mustafa Var


Landscape, Time-space, Transformation


Spaces are always formed by societies according to the social, economic, political and belief values of the time. Like buildings, landscapes also take shape according to different functions and purposes within the scope of these values. With this study, it is aimed to examine the symbolic and functional values of the landscape by evaluating the change of the landscape in the historical process. It has been examined how landscapes are produced periodically in the history of humanity, depending on the social, cultural and economic structure. In the study, verbal and visual data were evaluated in the analysis process by using literature data from primary and secondary sources, and findings were obtained. According to the data obtained from the study, although the landscape exists with the history of humanity, it has evolved from the garden scale designed for private purposes in the first periods of history to the design of urban areas for the whole society / arrangement of public lands. Landscape, with its social, economic and environmental dimensions, has become an indicator of modernity, which is a solution to the problems of every period. It is seen that the landscape, which is an integral part of humanity, will continue to develop and transform within the framework of the interaction in the context of time-space.


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Figure Reference

Figure 1.a.b.c. (Date of connection:2020) Figure 2.a.b.c (Var, M. 2015. Peyzaj Sanat Tarihi Ders Notları Basılmamış) Figure 3.a.b.c Author

Figure 4.a.b (Date of connection:2020) Figure 4.c (Var, M. 2015. Peyzaj Sanat Tarihi Ders Notları Basılmamış)

Figure 5.a.b (Atasoy, N. 2002. Hasbahçe: Osmanlı Kültüründe Bahçe ve Çiçek. Koç Kültür Sanat ve Tasarım Hizmetleri)

Figure 6.a.b (Atasoy, N. 2002. Hasbahçe: Osmanlı Kültüründe Bahçe ve Çiçek. Koç Kültür Sanat ve Tasarım Hizmetleri)

Figure 7.a.c (Var, M. 2015. Peyzaj Sanat Tarihi Ders Notları Basılmamış) Figure 7.b Author

Figure 8.a.b.c (Date of connection:2020) Figure 9.a.b.c https://www.tarih.sanayi-devrimi (Date of connection:2020) Figure 10.a.b.c (Date of connection:2020)

Figure 11.a.b.c (Date of connection:2020)




How to Cite

Sariarmağan, Şeyma ., & Var, M. . (2020). Transformation of Landscape in The Historical Process. ICONARCH International Congress of Architecture and Planning, (Iconarch -IV Proceeding Book), 535–548. Retrieved from



SESSION 5A Theme: Transition and Transformation