Urban Growth of a Mediterranean City from The Fringe-Belt Perspective
Urban Growth, Urban Morphology, Fringe Belt, Commons, İzmirAbstract
Urban fringe belts are crucial entities for ecological sustainability as they are frequently the urban heritages, ecological corridors and buffer zones that protect natural areas. Fringe belts are also potential public spaces that usually contain open green areas, institutional areas and industrial heritage sites. The study aims to identify the fringe belt formation and modification process during the urban growth of İzmir, which is a western Mediterranean port and the third metropolitan city of Turkey. Comparative map analysis is the main research methodology of the study by focusing on the historical maps, aerial photos and master plans. In addition, consolidated fringe belts of İzmir are digitized by ArcGIS tool in order to assist in proposals for a common green belt policy within the urban planning and design strategies and the commons literature, which may improve the quality of life and ecological sustainability of the city by protecting the fringe characteristics. Thus, the study suggests that urban fringe belt planning within the green belt policies, green infrastructure and commons management strategies should be necessity to eliminate the capital-promoted alienation and enclosure processes.
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