An Evaluation of The Symbolic Meaning of Tile Usage in The City of Kütahya
Urban Image, Urban Identity, Settlement Components, Tile, KütahyaAbstract
Urban space is always in motion, where vital activities take place, and economic, cultural, and social organization locate. Apart from all these organizations, it becomes essential to approach the city through the concepts of ‘urban image’ and ‘urban identity’. Both ideas consist of a set of norms covering natural-social life and all kind of cultural activities and products. In order to fulfill these activities, settlement components are in need for creation by local authorities that have the symbolic meaning related to the locality, compatible with the city. By meeting this need, cities become dynamic, attractive, livable for citizens and different compared to their counterparts.
Urban space is generally shaped around concrete or abstract values that create symbolic meaning for the city, inspired by urban memory, significant for the city and the citizens, and it forms the urban image. Urban space plays an important role not only for the usage of the people living in public spaces but also in terms of the identity they bring to the city. These urban components, which enable people for both individual use and interacting with each other in public spaces, might have both positive and negative impacts on the urban image and the identity of the city.
The research method of this study is determined as visual evaluations based on the data obtained through on-site observation of the selected case. A literature review is made using the scanning model. The observations were made by using photography as a method of recording data. Within the scope of this study, the city of Kütahya is discussed based on the usage of tiles that have been noted as the city’s brand and become the focus of its urban identity. The main aim for this study is to draw a critical evaluation of the usage of tiles in terms of symbolic meaning through these settlement components in Kütahya.
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