Hermeneutics of Dome Space in Ottoman Architecture
Ottoman Architecture, Dome Space, Hermeneutics, Architectural Symbolism, OntologyAbstract
Needs and beliefs are the leading elements of architecture. A dome giving a building a stupendous appearance has a stronger effect on people compared to other covering systems when considered in terms of inner volume. Due to this strong impression, dome has frequently been preferred as the top cover of religious buildings throughout history. Examining the background of this preference based on religious tradition can reveal the purpose of building a dome and what it stands for in society. For this reason, primarily the symbolism of dome in the world will be discussed and the representation and hermeneutic understandings of dome in Ottoman culture will be addressed through architectural, literary and religious texts expressing ontological perception in the study.
The development of dome structure in Islamic architecture can be traced starting from the Great Seljuk constructions. The notion of a central dome gained prevalence in the early Ottoman period before the conquest of Istanbul. The dome of the Hagia Sophia was a goal to be accomplished for Mimar Sinan (Architect Sinan), who carried dome architecture to its zenith. While this goal is often perceived as the ideal of building the largest dome covering a large rectangular space, it has the idea of making a higher version of a symbolic volume behind it. In order to address this subject, it is necessary to evaluate the architectural texts describing the symbolism of dome and its hierarchy within the structure. Starting from the symbolic expressions and analogies in these texts, examining the religious ontological texts which will explain the subject in more detail will allow for a better hermeneutic understanding of the dome in Ottoman culture.
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