"Practice" in Interior Design/Architecture Education
Interior Architecture/Design Education, Bauhaus, Practice in EducationAbstract
With the start of “interior architecture”, the educational formation, had an active role as much as the profession itself. Today, two approaches are the basis of the approaches of today's educational programs. The first one; the “Beaux-Arts”, and recognized as the pioneer of academic design education; and the other one is the “Bauhaus”.
In this study, the effect of Bauhaus education format and the differences occurred by the time within the Interior Architecture education in our country is demonstrated. Especially with the section of the course load, depending on their examinations with the conclusions reached by the numerical values obtained with interior design suggestions, which are made for the required fields in education.
“The Design Training Models” of the Interior Design training, emphasized and, investigated depending on the similarities and differences between educational models and the emerging results, points those need to be emphasized.
The educational programs of the schools in Turkey and Bauhaus education program have been put forward, and the evaluations have been made within the differences between them depending on the course groups and weights. The assessments are done with 57 universities in Turkey; the results are reached through the process/time information, which was allocated for the courses by the universities.
The sections for the training program has been investigated according to the comparisons by the course weights. By combining the hours of the curriculum of the departments. The numerical values are obtained and the results are evaluated.
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