A Digital Reconstruction of Visual Experience and the Sebasteion of Aphrodisias
Digital Reconstruction, Visuality, Aphrodisias, the Sebasteion of AphrodisiasAbstract
Today, computers enabled architects to represent their ideas in a fast and more efficient way compared to making drawings by hand. It enabled architects to visualize their ideas in a way that hand drawings cannot. This paper is an attempt to make digital reconstructions to provide the visual experiences of the ancient city Aphrodisias in westem Asia Minor and its temple dedicated to divine emperors known as the Sebasteion of Aphrodisias. Its aim is to show that by using common architectural softwares one can overcome the possible problems of graphic representations in the history of architecture. Moreover, this study focuses not only on the interpretations of the data at hand but also demonstrates how the missing information defines and shapes the digital models in order to convey the meaning of the buildings.
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