Effects of Media (Urban) Screen on Built Environment in Public Space


  • Yasamin Chegini
  • Uğur Ulaş Dağlı


Media Urban Screen, Public Space, Advertisement in Cityscape, Today Citizen's Perception


Urban screens ask for urban language in new way of designing public space. Media screen is not only a technological challenge, but they change our perception and experience of our daily used architectural environment. The focus of study is on changing citizens' perception of architecture and public space in a digital age by using media screens in the city. The view of local environment was changing with this kind of elements. Urban screens could play an important role in the perception of locality and neighborhoods. By connecting an urban screen to web (internet), the culture of local people might change in to wider view. These kinds of elements can be utilized with cultural content and create the local identity in this global age. However, nowadays urban screens, mostly use in a context of commercial information and a kind of communication medium.

Digital technology bring us many aspects in our life , for example in public space we can see plasma screens exposed in shop, LED screen in squares , information display in billboard about transportation , large scale urban screen for advertisement and media fayade on buildings. This kind of exposing information to pedestrian could do with many tools; one of them is used urban screen in public space.

This subject studied, based on the case study (Kyrenia, North Cyprus and Istanbul, Turkey) and support with theoretical approach and the projects about the examining this type of screening in public space that did these before in New York and Tokyo. During the recent years, media have applied more and more from private and semi­ public spaces into public city space. This study examines the relevance of urban screens and public space. The wider context including related aspects of users' perception in a public space, and interrogated about media content and effects of these content to citizens mind, relation between advertisement and local culture in public space. Urban screens already cornbined aspects of lighting and graphics in the built environment, in this study the questions given in the questionnaires are focused on citizens and specific characters' of the locations. These locations have small media surfaces compared to previous media screens and media fayades, which are studied in Times Square and Tokyo. The groundwork on Times Square is mainly discussing the dialogue between geometrical structures and image, information and ornament and their affects on the changing of the function of the architectural surface.


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How to Cite

Chegini, Y. ., & Dağlı, U. U. . (2012). Effects of Media (Urban) Screen on Built Environment in Public Space. ICONARCH International Congress of Architecture and Planning, (ICONARCH-1, Proceeding Book), 213–224. Retrieved from https://iconarch.ktun.edu.tr/index.php/iconarch/article/view/72



Architecture and Technology Relationship in Social and Cultural Context