Embedding Digital Media in Architecture
Place Making, Digital Technologies, Media Facades, Ambient TechnologiesAbstract
During the last decade, the practice of architecture has changed dramatically. This change has occurred partly because of a pressure to improve efficiency by stakeholders, and the commercial availability of design software and its reliant hardware technologies. These changes will continue and transform our everyday life and surroundings into a new architecture and digital culture. In this paper I discuss three different uses of the advance digital technologies to create built environment where the boundaries of virtual and physical are blurred. The first one is the employment of the digital technologies in the built environment which are ubiquity providing visual or auditory information; the second one is the use of visual environments for extending and augmenting the built environments providing interactivity; third one is the use of artificial intelligence in built environments including performative design, generative design, parametric design and algorithmic design. The paper concludes with a summary on the characteristics of the types of new place designs.
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