Contributions of Residential Landscape Design to Eco-Houses
Ecology, sustainability, Eco- houses, residential landscape design for eco-housesAbstract
In recent years, uncontrolled growth of world population and therewith unconscious growing has led to deterioration of plans designed in city establishments. As well as the many difficulties we face in urban, especially with 1950 s, environmental problems reveal the need of ecological approaches.
Ecology as a concept firstly is used by Emest Haeckel in 1869. When it is considered in urban scale, in the matter of generating rational solutions with twoway; deduction, and induction methods, has been a concept rediscovered by people. Along with this concept; cities, have been striving against with different types of problem within itself, will be attempt to gain to nature. Because of the ignorance in land use; inadequate land use of necessary points and unnecessary land use in unnecessary points lead to be done in landscape planning for residential environments too. It is known that, so many methods can be produced in residential landscape design. For instance; logical and active use of wind shelters and solar shelters in landscape design, can provide %25 energy saving. Apart from that, selected and located trees can provide welcome shade whilst providing for solar access in the winter. Alsa, deciduous climbing plants on south facing walls, provide shade in summer whilst allowing unimpeded solar access in winter, whilst green roofs can alsa keep houses cool through intercepting solar energy.
The aim of the study is to defend "right ecological solutions for landscape planning will provide energy saving in eco-houses and so contribute sustainability in cities". The deductive method was adopted for this study. Firstly, the definitions of ecology and sustainability will be expressed with their role in cities to understand the need of eco-houses for sustainability in cities. After that, will be focalized on the landscape design for eco-houses. For this purpose; at the end of the study, landscape design decisions and methods for eco- houses will be defineci, the hypothesis which put forward at the beginning of the study will be supported.
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