A Comparative Evaluation of Basement Wall Insulation Types
isolation, basement isolation, insulation techniques, environmental effectsAbstract
In this study, types of insulation materials, insulation techniques for the basement and effect on environnıent have been studied. This paper explains the usefulness of basement wall insulation and lists the advantages and disadvantages of various insulation materials. There are many different types of insulation materials. In ternıs of energy efficiency, investing in high levels of insulation materials is more costeffective than investing in expensive heating technologies. It is worth taking the time to choose the right materials in the context of whole building design. An energy efficient building envelope contains both a thermal barrier and an air barrier. The key to an effective thernıal barrier is proper installation of quality insulation products. Insulation is a key component of sustainable building design. A well insulated buildings reduce costs for energy by keeping warnı in the winter and cool in the sunımer, and this in tum cuts down carbon emissions linked to global climate change.
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US. Department ofEnergy, http://www.energysavers.gov/ (25/07/2012)
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