An Essay in Adaptive Reuse: The Case of Bergama Küplü Hammam


  • Tuba Nur Baz
  • Müjgan Bahtiyar Karatosun


Küplü Hammam, conceptual essay, adaptive reuse, urban memory


Bergama is an important settlement center which have different civilizations. Today, it comes forward with especially the cultural heritage of Antiquity but there is an important heritage which has Ottoman period’s impress too. The works which reflect to aqua culture effectuate a part of that heritage. Especially Turkish bath buildings have an important place to remind and sustain that culture.

The aim of this study is making an essay in adaptive reuse via Küplü Hammam which is an important representative of Ottoman aqua culture in the urban memory. In this sense, Küplü Hammam will be examined in the context of its characteristic properties and it will be evaluated as spatial and volumetric flow to provide its characteristic properties’ sustainability. In this context, it is intended to develop some acceptable strategies for the building’s adaptive reuse. Thus, this study will contribute for the characteristic properties of the building to keeping alive them with protection and sustain their place in urban memory.


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How to Cite

Baz, T. N., & Bahtiyar Karatosun, M. (2017). An Essay in Adaptive Reuse: The Case of Bergama Küplü Hammam. ICONARCH International Congress of Architecture and Planning, (1), 648–658. Retrieved from