Conservation of Rural Earthen Architectural Heritage: The Case of Malatya Region
Conservation, Sustainability, Rural Architectural Heritage, Earthen, MalatyaAbstract
Rural architectural heritage has become a subject of frequent debate in recent years as a value that stands out with its unique qualities. This heritage, which is worth exploring in the context of conservation with the use of natural materials, tailor-made designs and unique details, is threatened with rapid extinction. Many reasons such as migration of rural areas due to various reasons, increasing the average age of the population living in these areas, changes in livelihoods and economic conditions are effective in the rapid loss of rural architectural heritage. In this context, the sustainable qualities of this heritage, which is very difficult to preserve, are also destroyed. Today, together with the rural areas that are under protection as the subject of many laws, regulations and meetings, especially the Venice Charter; The existence of many rural architectural heritage is also known.
The earthen settlements that stand out with their authenticity within the rural architectural heritage are the areas that have been lost rapidly due to the material properties and building designs. Conserving rural earthen architectural heritage, which includes many unique features; it is also of great importance in terms of the sustainability of the architectural designs put forward today and in the future. In this sense, as one of the most abundant rural earthen architectural heritage in our country, Malatya is worth examining for its conservation and sustainability. The settlements in the Malatya region, which stands out in terms of rural earthen architectural heritage with its natural, socio-cultural and architectural values, contain a lot of data on the conservation and sustainability of this heritage.
The aim of this study is to contribute to the conservation and sustainability of the rapidly disappearing rural earthen architectural heritage by emphasizing the Malatya region, which is one of the most intense areas in Turkey. Within the scope of the study, the developments in the world and in our country for the conservation of rural areas are mentioned; In the light of these developments, the situation of the earthen-dense rural areas in the Malatya region with unique values will be examined and suggestions will be made for the conservation of these areas. Literature researches will be carried out on the subject as a method of study and studies will be conducted in the sample areas with these researches. As a result, it is aimed to contribute to the conservation and sustainability of rural earthen architectural heritage through the examples in Malatya region.
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