Case Studies in The Planting of Structure Surfaces; Roof Gardens


  • Parisa Aliasghari Khabbazi
  • Yeliz Olgun
  • Murat Ertuğrul Yazgan


Roof, Roof Garden, Environment, Ecological Roofs


Ever-growing high buildings cause also heating of the air as well as pollution by blocking the air circulation. Decreasing of the soil to be absorbed the rail as a result of concretion leads to fall more burdens on waste water systems of the cities, while increasing the use of water in the cities and industrial areas. Many cities have to struggle with floods due to selection of wrong location and inadequate infrastructure. Our environment, as a result of development of rapidly and irregular of especially our large cities, is covered with concrete and asphalt on a large scale. Use of many green roofs to be taken place in the urban centers as recreation and relaxation areas will be effective in the both economic and more livable formation of the urban environment. Having solved of structural problems in the facility of roof gardens in green structure surfaces in the large cities in terms of static causes giving more and more interest in this green surface type with each passing days. Roof gardens do not take place in only roofs of building where people live. It is possible to encounter with roof gardens in also various locations such as roofs of workplaces, on the buildings of industrial areas, underground car parks, hospital buildings or universities in the cities of the countries where this application is performed. Roof gardens are areas established for their environmental benefits nowadays, while roof gardens were an aesthetic object in previous years and this has generated the concept of "green roor'. In today present situation, they are the type named as "ecological roofs" or "green roofs" and used for ecological purposes, as well as aesthetic purposes of the roof gardens. Green roof is a concept used for buildings to adapt to the environment living. In this study, general design principles related to planting with static properties of infrastructure were explained depending on these green types.


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How to Cite

Aliasghari Khabbazi, P. ., Olgun, Y. ., & Yazgan, . M. E. . (2012). Case Studies in The Planting of Structure Surfaces; Roof Gardens. ICONARCH International Congress of Architecture and Planning, (ICONARCH-1, Proceeding Book), 156–165. Retrieved from



Environmentalist Technologies and Architecture

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