Artificial Light in Interior Design and Its Effects on Plants Used
Artificial light, Plant, Interior Space, IlluminationAbstract
Light, especially sunlight, plays an important role spiritually and materially in our lives today. In the interior design, artificial light is used since the sunlight is not enough for all dimensions of the space and the activities are limited to the moming hours. All plants need for light as an energy source of Photosynthesis. In the lack of light, nutrient material decreases gradually and plant dies. Plants have an inclination to face to the source of light and only in such a case they become lively and tall. Especially, they leave their old leaves. Mottled plants may turn into green. On the other hand, if the plants are subject to extreme light, they indine to get bumt, discolored and contorted. As a resulting order to grow up the interior space plants successfully, the light requirements and light levels of specific plants must be very well determined. While assessing the light, three reasons, duration, quality and intensity of light must be focused. Main purpose of the interior space landscape design primarily is to create appropriate spaces for the human comfort. For the plants, creating human-centered space is more dominant than space design. Plants produce nutrients and make photosynthesis for further living and for light assistance and chlorophyll. Light is important for the chlorophyll that is necessary for photosynthesis. Stomas on the leaf affect photosynthesis. Stomas let gas exchange on the leaf and they need light to achieve this. While stomas are open on the light they are closed in the darkness. It consists of wavelengths between 430-700 nm. The light comes from the sun is preferred since the light that the plant requires is given from a wide spectrum. In this research primarily interior space landscape design, the importance of light, its aesthetic and functional characteristics will be emphasized. Interior space landscape design criterions will be explained and the characteristics of the sources of lights that are appropriate for the plants' natural light requirements will be expressed. Alsa, while exhibiting plants in the interior space the duration and
levels of sources of lights will be determined technically.
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