Vernacular Settlements in Cultural Continuity Context
Morphological Analysis, Space Syntax, Spatial Alteration Vernacular SettlementsAbstract
Analysing vernacular settlements, in contex of reservation of cultural heritage and transferring local identity to future generations, are coming into prominence day by day. In this respect, Anatolia has rich sources in global literature ,especially in residental design. Vernacular settlements in :Middle Anatolia, are the best examples of the cultural herritage in terms of spatial organization and configuration characteristics. According to syntax of spaces and functional hiyerarshy, analysing the spatial structure of rural dwellings is very important Because these analyses helps us to explain and understand traditional space culture and effection of life style to spatial form. Konya as a research area, has significiant examples of residental culture in different geographies which consists of several topographic and climatic properties. By analysing rural dwellings in vernacular settlements, it is determined that, they are differentiated plain and mount dwellings according to life styles and environmental factors. It caused metamorphosis in spatial organization and functional structure by the reflection of user requirements. With the support of technological methods, analysing traditional spaces with modem techniques, is qualified as a "innovative movement". In this study a mathematical method called "space syntax" is used in proving the relation of spatial organization and social life. By using this technological method , some findings about functional structure and spatial connection occured. These findings are used to understand the relation of socio-cultural life and spatial configuration.
As a conclusion, it is determined that the trails of culture can be seen in usage and syntax of spaces. The relation of social life and spatial configuration is provided as objective criterion with the help of technological method. And it is predicted as a innovative method in recent house designs.
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