ICT Project for the Museum of Casa Martelli in Florence, Italy: For a Virtual Tour of Today's and Yesterday's Collections
Information and Communication Technologies, Virtual Tour, 3D models, interactive interfaces, House-museumAbstract
Through the use of multimedia centered on imaging technology, three-dimensional survey and customized educational itineraries, a noble ancient palace with its relevant art collection becomes a very communicative museum. This paper presents the project plan and first achievements, featuring the objectives, the explorative tools and impacts on visitors and users.
The purposes of the project are to reconnect threads between artworks and documentary sources, which have been cut or forgotten, and to reveal to the museum 's visitors the lost evidence of these links, either attested to by dire et figurative references or by art-historical reconstructions.
The technical aspects of the planned paths for different kinds of visitors are m eant to engage the users and make their cultural experience unique and personal: both the applications on site and through the Web will broaden the visitor's perspective providing information, suggestions and stimuli for an integrated and accurate perception of all elements related to the family's collections and home.
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References from Internet:
( date of connection: August 2012).
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